The Top 8 Benefits of Hearing Aids

For a person who is struggling to hear well, life is likely to have changed significantly. You may not have noticed it at first, but slowly, it becomes harder to hear clearly. You may have to ask your loved one several times to repeat themselves or become frustrated in loud environments. Going out to dinner is no longer enjoyable. It’s not easy to realize the need for hearing aids – many people put off getting them hoping they will not have to. Yet, hearing aid benefits are numerous.
Today’s hearing aids can do much more for you than older versions. They are comfortable, easy to use, and highly reliable. For many, they can restore quality of life. Consider the top benefits of hearing aids:
#1: Noisy Situations Are Easier to Navigate
Many people who struggle with hearing loss battle noisy situations. Going to a restaurant with family becomes too difficult to do because it is hard to hear others talking around them. Even shopping or going to a friend’s house can become problematic as it can often lead to a wide range of complications associated with communication or knowing what is happening around you. Noisy situations can also be frustrating, often leading to the desire to stay home more often to avoid them.
With the use of hearing aids, this can improve nearly immediately. You can hear more of what is happening around you clearly, allowing sound not to be annoying or overwhelming but clear and easy to understand. It becomes easier to do the things you want and need to do, and you’ll feel more comfortable just going about your day.
#2: Improved Relationships
Do your loved ones refrain from talking to you, perhaps because they struggle with your hearing loss? Maintaining good relationships is much more difficult when you have hearing loss at any level. This can often lead to unnecessary arguments with your spouse or trouble with understanding what your child has to say. Many people find themselves pulling away from loved ones because they cannot hear well, whether it is due to being frustrated with the lack of ability to hear or embarrassment.
Using a hearing aid may help to give you back the ability to talk to and share with your loved ones. It enables you to connect more fully with the people in your life that are important to you. Often, hearing aids are a way to have those intimate conversations with people like you used to have.
#3: Improved Income Earning Potential
For many people, hearing loss happens while working. As a person gets older, they may still be very healthy and able to work, whether it is for an employer or on their own. However, it may become harder to do your job when you are unable to hear people, whether it is a customer talking to you about a product or a colleague who needs your wisdom to make decisions. Hearing loss often leads to a reduced performance level at work as well. You may make more mistakes. That could mean your employer believes you are unfit for the work you are doing. People who are hard of hearing are more likely to experience a decrease in income for all of these reasons.
On the other hand, you may be mentally sharp and completely capable of continuing to work with the support of hearing aids. You can hear clearly, communicate well, and be able to do your job properly. For many people, this is a critical way to improve your ability to care for your needs long term. This could mean preserving your earning power for many more years.
#4: Less Strain with Conversations Which Leads to More Energy
Hearing loss creates strain. When you cannot hear, your brain has to work much harder to be able to hear what’s being said. While that may not seem like a lot of work, it is. People who have substantial hearing loss often suffer from exhaustion. You may not feel like you have the energy to do the things you used to do just a few years ago.
Sometimes people attribute this lack of energy as a result of getting older since hearing loss often occurs later in life. Yet, it may be more than that. When you invest in hearing aids, you correct this problem. The brain doesn’t have to work as hard to understand every sound coming from various directions. It can process sounds in much the same way it has throughout your lifetime. That could lead to a significant amount of improvement in a person’s overall wellbeing physically, too. You may feel as though you have more energy and focus. It’s easier to be able to use hearing aids than not to.
#5: Mental Health Benefits
Hearing loss is isolating. It is frustrating, overwhelming, and scary. A person that’s unable to hear well is likely to suffer from mental health disorders as a result of this. For some, it could be anxiety because it is hard to do things you used to do with ease. It’s also very frightening when you realize how limited your hearing is. Many other people struggle with the onset of depression. Hearing loss keeps you from enjoying your life and the people you love. That makes it nearly impossible for you to maintain clarity and quality of life. It can also seem like there’s nothing that will make it better.
Hearing aids can help substantially and often quickly. The use of them can prove to be one of the most important decisions you may make in protecting your mental and emotional health.
#6: Help with Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears)
Ringing in the ears, a condition called tinnitus is not uncommon in people who are older. It often causes a clicking sound or a strong ring that does not go away. It can make it very hard for a person to sleep or focus on the tasks at hand. There is no way to really stop or prevent this condition from occurring. In some situations, it may be so significant that you cannot do your job. Many people experience tinnitus and hearing loss.
The use of a hearing aid may offer help. It can help to combat the symptoms you have, providing you with relief from a great deal of the stress this condition causes. It may also help you to improve your overall quality of life. There are hearing aids designed to provide relief from this uncomfortable sensation.
#7: Greater Independence
Some activities become dangerous for a person with hearing loss. For example, driving a car isn't safe because you cannot hear emergency vehicles or a honking horn. You may find that living alone is more challenging overall because you cannot answer the phone or you may not hear an alarm that’s sounding. It is often very difficult to leave home to engage in things like shopping or going to a doctor’s office without having a loved one with you to help you.
When you make the move to using hearing aids, you may reclaim many of these freedoms again. You may be able to go to the park for a walk and listen to the birds. You can spend some time grocery shopping without having to worry about not understanding the sales agent. Most importantly, you may be able to live at home longer even if you are alone. That could help you to enjoy life the way you like to live it a bit longer.
#8 Slowing Cognitive Decline
One of the most important benefits of the use of hearing aids comes from a reduced risk of cognitive decline loss. A person with hearing loss that's not taken care of is likely to experience a higher rate of cognitive decline. That is often because they are unable to remain social as they were, and they may struggle with relationships, activities, and just day to day life. The brain is a muscle that needs to continuously work to maintain its health. Many people with hearing loss then begin to notice changes in their ability to recognize speech. Areas of the brain that deal with speech, for example, begin to degrade.
The investment in hearing aids, then, works to combat this. It can help to keep a person far more engaged with the world around them, providing a way for them to keep their brain working sharp and clear. For some, this may mean maintaining cognitive function longer and being able to slow any natural decline in the thinking process.
Making the Decision to Get Hearing Aids
Take a moment to think about how much your life has changed since your hearing loss began. How many people do you no longer talk to or things do you no longer do because it’s hard? Perhaps you’re not at that level just yet, and you're still functioning, but you notice the difference. No matter how challenging it may seem, having hearing aids can improve your quality of life, giving you back your freedom and providing a new lease on life. We invite you to contact our practice today to schedule a consultation with our experienced Audiologist Dr. Marni Novick.