Auditory Processing Disorders

By Dr. Novick in Los Gatos, California

Silicon Valley Hearing is not accepting new APD patients, effective March 1, 2024. For informational purposes, we have kept up our page about APD and also offer recommendations below on providers.

Effective March 1, 2024, our clinic will no longer be accepting new APD evaluation and treatment patients

Here are other professionals that offer APD evaluation and treatment services.

For the Bay Area:

Dimitra Loomos, Au.D. @ Auditory Pathways in San Ramon (

Melissa Wison-Beer, Au.D. & Morganne Frampton, Au.D. @ Sound Speech & Hearing in San Francisco (

For Sacramento area:

Tracy Volkman, Au.D. @ Sunshine Audiology (

For virtual/telehealth APD evaluations and treatment services:

Melissa Wison-Beer, Au.D. & Morganne Frampton, Au.D. @ Sound Speech & Hearing in San Francisco (

Amanda Levy, Au.D. @Levy Audiology (

What is an Auditory Processing Disorder?

Our ears are busy with the task of sending sounds from our outside world to the brain. Along the way, the central auditory pathway is responsible for decoding each individual sound, which allows our brain to attach meaning to a particular sound. It’s how we can determine what the sound is and determine what we need to do with it. Our brains have this magical way of stringing together individual complex beads of sounds, process those sounds and give us the ability to understand words, ready a story and sing a song. The brain is responsible for collecting and processing all the information it receives to paint the beautiful picture of our world.

While you or your child may have normal peripheral hearing (cochlea or sound organ), the dysfunction occurs beyond the cochlea in the central auditory processing pathway, which encompasses all the anatomical and processing mechanisms between the cochlear nuclei (in the brainstem) to the auditory cortex (auditory processing center of the brain). Somewhere along the way, sounds get jumbled and mixed up. APD is simply a disruption within auditory processing pathway that causes a breakdown in the brain’s ability to piece together the acoustic puzzle correctly. Manifestations of APD include delayed auditory development, learning problems and poor academic performance.

An APD test battery includes tests designed to challenge the auditory processing pathway. You will be tested using headphones in a sound proof booth. Several core tests are administered, in which you or your child are asked to repeat back information (words, numbers and pitches) presented to each ear individually or both ears binaurally. These tests give us the ability to assess the auditory skills of decoding, integration and prosody. It is our job to help determine which skill areas are affected and to help you plan what’s needed to improve your or your child’s auditory processing abilities.

Signs of Auditory Processing Challenges

  • Delayed speech and/or language development
  • Easily distracted by background noise and avoids social situations
  • Does not like loud sounds (often covers their ears)
  • Often says “What?” or asks for constant repetition
  • Inability to listen for long periods of time
  • Difficulty following multi-step verbal instructions
  • Low appreciation of music and songs
  • Learning difficulties (e.g. problems with phonics, reading comprehension, spelling and writing skills, and understanding math word problems)
  • Appears forgetful or easily confused
  • Does not get the “gist” of jokes/humor or understand sarcasm

The APD assessment battery consists of tests in the following skill set areas:

  • Peripheral auditory system: assessment of outer, middle and inner ear structures & function) - think, “comprehensive hearing test”
  • Auditory discrimination: ability to discriminate individual speech sounds
  • Dichotic Listening: binaural integration and separation
  • Binaural integration: evaluates the ability to integrate (combine) two different messages being presented to both ears (binaurally) simultaneously
  • Binaural separation: evaluates the ability to listen to auditory cues in one ear while ignoring competing auditory cues in the opposite ear
  • Temporal patterning: ability to recognize the order (sequence) or pattern of non-verbal acoustic signals; also, examines the rate (temporal resolution) at which we can process auditory information (rhythm and timing of spoken message)
  • Auditory closure: ability to “fill in the gaps” when parts of the acoustic signal is missing
  • Auditory figure ground discrimination: assesses the ability to understand speech while in presence of noise
  • Binaural interaction: ability to detect a signal embedded in noise and localization of auditory signals


Products Available

Musicians' Ear Plugs

Musicians' Ear Plugs

Musicians' earplugs are a type of hearing protection designed to safeguard the ears of individuals who are frequently exposed to loud music, such as professional musicians, DJs, and concertgoers. Unlike standard earplugs that can distort the quality of music by muffling high and low-frequency sounds, musicians' earplugs are designed to reduce sound levels evenly across frequencies while maintaining a clear and natural sound quality. This is achieved through specialized filters and custom-fit designs, molded to the user's ear for optimal comfort and noise reduction.
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Price: $290/pair, plus sales tax (includes impressions)
Airpod Custom Molds

Airpod Custom Molds

Custom ear molds and sleeves for Apple AirPod and AirPod Pro wireless earphones enhance comfort and audio quality while virtually eliminating the risk of losing an earpiece. Perfect for plane and train travel, exercise sessions, and online meetings via Zoom! The tailored fit offers the same level of fit and sealing that professional musicians appreciate on stage, addressing the two primary concerns with AirPods earpieces – comfort and secure fit. You'll never lose an earpiece while on the move again, and you'll consistently enjoy a comfortable fit.
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Price: $250/pair, plus sales tax (includes impressions)
Sleep Plugs

Sleep Plugs

Struggling to Sleep? Numerous people experience sleep deprivation due to noise sensitivity, a snoring partner, or a variety of other sounds that can disrupt a restful night's sleep. If you're among those affected, custom sleep earplugs could be the perfect solution for you. Sleep plugs are custom tailored to be as cozy as possible while offering noise reduction to allow for improved sleep. By taking deep ear canal impressions, we ensure a secure fit that combines both comfort and sound reduction.
Schedule an appointment
Price: $230/pair, plus sales tax (includes impressions)
TLS Duck Dive Surfer Plugs

TLS Duck Dive Surfer Plugs

Duck Dive Surfer Plugs by TLS Labs effectively prevent surfer's ear with custom-designed earplugs tailored for surfing enthusiasts! If you're passionate about surfing, paddleboarding, swimming, or all three, the Duck Dive surfing earplugs are designed to keep chilly, bacteria-laden water out of your ear canal, promoting healthy ears. TLS Sound Labs develops and produces specialized waterproof membranes for their custom-molded Duck Dive surfer earplugs, which reduce the entry of cold water into the bony section of your ear canal, preventing surfer's ear.
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Price: $220/pair, plus sales tax (includes impressions)
Swim Earplugs

Swim Earplugs

Custom plugs for swimming are a popular choice for both children and adults who want to protect their ears from water. These specialized plugs are custom-made to fit perfectly into an individual's ear, providing maximum protection against water and other irritants. They are particularly useful for children who have PE tubes and need to avoid exposing their ears to water while swimming or bathing. One of the key benefits of custom swim molds is that they come in a variety of fun colors, making them a great option for kids who want to show off their style while enjoying their favorite water activities. Whether you prefer bright neon hues, pastel shades, or classic solid colors, there's a custom swim mold out there for you.
Schedule an appointment
Price: $230/pair, plus sales tax (includes impressions)
Passive Shooters Plugs

Passive Shooters Plugs

Using advanced impulse filter technology, this non-electronic hearing protection product for hunting and shooting shields users from the extreme noise levels associated with gunshots, artillery fire, and explosions, reducing them to safer levels that decrease the likelihood of lasting hearing damage. Initially developed for military use, these specialized earplugs provide exceptional protection against high impulse noises. In the absence of loud sound peaks, the device delivers low attenuation, enabling users to hear voices and surrounding sounds.
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Price: $260-$310/pair, plus sales tax (includes impressions)
Electronic Shooters Plugs

Electronic Shooters Plugs

Custom active shooters plugs, also known as electronic shooters plugs, are designed to provide optimal hearing protection while shooting without compromising situational awareness. These innovative earplugs utilize advanced technology to detect and filter out harmful noises, such as gunshots or explosions, while simultaneously amplifying softer sounds like voices or ambient noises. This ensures that users can communicate effectively and stay aware of their surroundings while safeguarding their hearing from potential damage.
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Price: $999-$1599/pair (includes impressions)

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Schedule an Appointment with Top-rated Audiologist, Dr. Marni Novick in Los Gatos, CA.
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