When you come to our office you will be given a comprehensive hearing evaluation. We always encourage our patients to bring a loved one to share this learning experience with. We will review the results with you and make appropriate recommendations for your listening and communication needs.
When you come to our office you will be given a comprehensive hearing evaluation. We always encourage our patients to bring a loved one to share this learning experience with.
We will review your medical history and list of medications. This is important because hearing loss can be caused by a variety of factors such as: medications, disease, family history, and excessive noise exposure. You and your spouse or family members can discuss your hearing and your communication difficulties. Dr. Novick will pay special attention to any concerns you may have, such as tinnitus and balance problems.
You will be seated in a sound proof booth and headphones will be placed over your ears. We will advise you what to listen for and we will plot your results on a graph known as an audiogram. This unique hearing profile will give us information about your hearing ability. We will also assess your ability to understand speech in both quiet and noisy environments.
We will review the results with you and make appropriate recommendations for your listening and communication needs. Together as a team, your audiogram will help you and Dr. Novick select the best and most affordable technology solution to suit your communication and listening needs. We even have demonstration hearing devices in our office so you can experience for yourself what it’s like to hear again. We will play music and even take you outside so you can listen for the birds!
Some hearing losses will require further medical exploration. If you need a consultation with a local otolaryngologist (Ears, nose & throat physician), we will happily make some recommendations for you.