The Benefits of Hearing Aids
Below are the benefits most patients experience when they finally decide to seek treatment for their hearing
Below are the benefits most patients experience when they finally decide to seek treatment for their hearing
There are countless studies out there about the dangers of untreated hearing loss. Here at Silicon Valley Hearing, we like to focus on the positive. Below are the benefits most patients experience when they finally decide to seek treatment for their hearing loss with the use of hearing aids.
Patients who treat their hearing loss experience a decrease in feelings of depression, anger and anxiety; they also see an improvement in their balance. Individuals who leave their hearing loss untreated are three times more likely to suffer physical injuries, especially falls. They are also at an increased risk of cognitive decline.
Untreated hearing loss leads to difficulty concentrating, especially when communicating with others. It can also lead to reduced job performance and less monetary compensation. New research suggests that untreated hearing loss can actually lead to problems storing new information, making it harder for individuals to learn new things.
Treating hearing loss enables a patient to once again be able to navigate the world on their own and overcome a reliance on others, thus regaining their sense of control. Those that treat their hearing loss have reduced periods of social isolation as well as healthier and longer-lasting relationships.
They have also been shown to have higher self-esteem and quality of life than those that don’t. A study conducted by the Better Hearing Institute (BHI) supplies overwhelming data about how much of a difference hearing aids can make. Of the 2,000 hearing loss patients surveyed, 82 percent indicated they would recommend hearing aids to their friends and 70 percent reported an improved ability to communicate.
In addition, more than four out of five people who use an aid to hear better are satisfied with their solution. The study also concluded up to a third of patients saw improvements in their romance, sense of humor, mental, emotional and physical health. Roughly 40 percent noted improvements in their sense of safety, self-confidence, feelings about self, sense of independence and work relationships.
Additional studies have yielded similar results. Overall, two thirds of hearing aid users report their quality of life is either “better” or “a lot better.”
While effectiveness of communication ranks as the biggest benefit to wearing hearing aids, a significant portion of those surveyed cite improvements unrelated to hearing, such as enhanced cognitive skills and the ability to join groups.
Contact our office at (408) 540-7128 to learn how hearing aids can change your life.